
Google Adsense, Adsense, How to Make Money from Google Adsense, Adsense Account, Google Adsense Youtube, How Ads are targeted by AdSense to a site, How does the ad auction work?, How Google use an auction to determine the ads that appear on a page,  How are Actual CPCs calculated? How much does the winning advertiser pay, Can a Website Owner remove a Ad which he don't like in his site


About Google AdSense


AdSense is a free, simple way to earn money by displaying ads next to your online content. With AdSense, you can show relevant and engaging ads to your site visitors and even customize the look and feel of ads to match your site.


How AdSense is differ from other Ad networks :


The AdSense Program differs in that it delivers ads served by Google Ads to your site. Google then pays you for the ads displayed on your site based on user clicks on ads or on ad impressions, depending on the type of ad. AdSense gives you instant and automatic access to a huge source of advertiser demand, which means competition for your ad spaces, more relevant ads, and ads for all your online content.


Sign Up For Google AdSense

Choose Ads Type on AdSense


AdSense automatically serves ads on your site that are targeted to your content or audience. Learn how Google targets ads to your site.


How ads are targeted by AdSense to a site


Google automatically delivers ads that are targeted to your content or audience. We do this in several ways:


  • Contextual targeting


Our technology uses such factors as keyword analysis, word frequency, font size, and the overall link structure of the web, in order to determine what a webpage is about and precisely match Google ads to each page.



Placement targeting


With placement targeting, advertisers choose specific ad placements, or subsections of publisher websites, on which to run their ads. Ads that are placement-targeted may not be precisely related to the content of a page, but are hand-picked by advertisers who've determined a match between what your users are interested in and what they have to offer.


  • Personalized targeting


Personalized advertising enables advertisers to reach users based on their interests, demographics (e.g., "sports enthusiasts") and other criteria. To opt out of personalized advertising, users can change their controls in Ads Settings.

Personalized targeting type reports may include contextual targeting when user data, such as cookie ID, isn’t available. If you’ve selected “Non-personalized ads” in your EU user consent settings, you might still see ads under the "Personalized" targeting type even though user data isn’t being used.

Run of Network targeting

Run of Network lets advertisers target all sites in the AdSense network, except explicitly excluded sites, according to available inventory.


How does the ad auction work?

Before the ad auction takes place, our system first narrows down all of the available Google Ads ads to determine which ones are eligible to compete to show on your pages. Here are a few ways that this happens:

Ad targeting: We only consider ads that are relevant to the content or users of your site. Through placement-targeting, we’ll also consider ads from advertisers who have specifically chosen to show ads on your pages when they’ve found a match between their offerings and your site’s users.
Ad format: Advertisers can create text or image ads, and choose contextual-targeting, placement-targeting or user targeting, and so depending on the selections you've made, certain types of ads may or may not be eligible to show on your pages.
Just like in a traditional auction, the more advertisers that bid to appear on your pages, the higher the competition is for your ad units, and the more you can earn. The fewer restrictions you place on the ads that can show on your site, the more ads our system will be able to return, therefore increasing your revenue.

Once we have a pool of eligible ads, the ad auction determines which of those ads will show up on your pages and how much each advertiser will pay. For each eligible ad, Ad Rank is calculated by combining the generic bid and the ad’s Quality Score. Because ads are then ranked by Ad Rank, an advertiser with a low CPC bid but high Quality Score may win the auction against another competitor whose generic bid is higher but who has ad creatives that pose poor user experience and are not likely to be clicked. This dynamic auction-based system also means that the price the winner pays varies from auction to auction, and from ad impression to ad impression, depending on the advertisers’ Quality Score for that page and on the level of auction competition.

Quality Score is a measure of how useful an ad is to the people who see it. It’s based on several factors, including:

Predictions of advertiser performance, such as clickthrough rate (CTR).
Factors affecting the quality of user experience from viewing the ad.


How Google use an auction to determine the ads that appear on a page


A few things to know


  • As you may know, Google Ads advertisers on the Google Display Network submit a bid to show their ads on AdSense for content publisher sites.


  • The ad auction is used to select the ads that will appear on your pages and determine how much you’ll earn from those ads. In a traditional auction, interested bidders state the maximum price they're willing to pay to buy a specific item. Similarly, our ad auction allows advertisers to state the price they're willing to pay for clicks on ads or for impressions served on AdSense pages.


  • Because the ad auction ranks advertisers based on their bids and Quality Score, it creates a win-win-win situation: it assigns the ad unit to the advertisers who value it the most; the winning ads are therefore from the advertisers who are willing to pay the most; and the Quality Score-based approach ensures good user experience.



How are Actual CPCs calculated? How much does the winning advertiser pay?

It’s important to remember that an advertiser’s CPC bid isn’t necessarily how much they’re charged. The price an advertiser pays -- Actual CPC -- depends on the outcome of the auction, and it can often be less than their CPC bid.

The auction is designed to ensure advertisers have an incentive to bid their true maximum value and to remove incentives for advertisers to bid lower than their true value. Similar to the auction for Google search ads, an advertiser typically pays no more than what’s required to rank higher than the next best ad, or to clear the auction floor, if any. The auction for ads on the Google Display Network, however, differs slightly in that an advertiser typically pays that price only for incremental clicks they generate from being in their current position and pays the next highest ranking ad’s price for the rest of the clicks. Another difference is that for interest category ads on the Google Display Network a service fee may be added to the closing auction price in some cases.

To understand the concept of incremental clicks, you first need to understand that different ad positions have different visibility and can therefore yield different numbers of clicks. For example, in an ad unit with two ad positions, an advertiser might generate 10 clicks by being in the most visible top position, while that same advertiser might generate only eight clicks if he were to show in the less visible second position. Here, the two additional clicks are considered the incremental clicks for being in the top position as opposed to the second position.

In the above simplified example, the difference in visibility of the two ad positions seems to be relatively small, i.e., they generate a similar number of clicks. The auction for ads on the Google Display Network is designed to make sure that advertisers are paying a fair price for incremental clicks. The advertiser who wins the top position will pay enough to rank higher than the advertiser below, for the two incremental clicks; for the remaining eight clicks, he'll pay a lower price -- the amount he would have paid if he had ranked in the second position. In other words, the Actual CPC that an advertiser pays is based on the weighted average of the bids and Quality Scores of the advertisers ranking below (and includes any applicable service fees). The weights are based on the incremental performance of the position.


Can a Website Owner remove a Ad which he don't like in his site


Blocking controls


The Blocking controls page in your account is where you tell us about individual ads or kinds of ads you don't want on your pages.


Ad review center


The Ad review center lets you review and take action on individual ads that have appeared on your pages. Learn more about the Ad review center.


Advertiser URL

Let's say you run WidgetUniverse.com and your biggest competitor runs WidgetGalaxy.com. Since your page content is about widgets, WidgetGalaxy ads are automatically matched to your site. To avoid showing your competitor's ads, you can add WidgetGalaxy.com to your list of blocked advertiser URLs, and avoid seeing another ad from them again. Learn more about blocking advertiser URLs.



Sensitive ad category


You can block ads from categories related to sensitive topics such as Religion, Politics, and References to Sex and Sexuality. Sensitive category blocking is available for ads in a limited set of languages, regardless of the language of the site.


General ad category

You can block ads from general categories such as Apparel, Internet, Real Estate, and Vehicles. General category blocking is available for ads in a limited set of languages, regardless of the language of the site.


Ad network


Ads from certified Google ad networks are allowed to appear on your pages by default. On this page, you can allow and block specific third-party ad networks, or all future ad networks. Learn more about allowing and blocking ad networks.


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