Google Gravity Lava
Google Gravity Lava
What is Google Gravity lava?
Google Gravity Lava is one of the best tricks of Google where you can see a graph surface having filled with squares on it. And at the top of it you will see a red box. You can move the box and the surface any where you want and you can fit it in any box of the square surface and play with it. The most amazing thing about Google Gravity Lava is you can add red boxes on the square of the surface and build a structure or make any kind of shape you want or design whatever you want on the square graph surface. You can have fun with it.
Google Gravity Lava I am Felling Lucky
How to Do - Google Gravity Lava Trick
Google Anti Gravity
Google Anti gravity trick is a trick of Google where your Google Home Screen starts floating and by the help of your mouse and you can move every element of your home screen like buttons and all the thing which are showing on Google Home Page
How to Do - Google Anti Gravity Trick
Google Zero Gravity Trick
Google Zero Gravity trick is one of the best tricks of Google where you can see the Google Home screen just displayed opposite of Google like when we see anything in a mirror.
How do Google Zero Gravity Trick works
Google Underwater
Underwater trick is one of the finest tricks of Google where Google home screen starts floating on seawater and you can generate waves on water with the help of your mouse.
How to Do Google Underwater trick